Contributing guidelines

👋 Welcome!

  • Do you have issues, tips, ideas, events, or questions related to Research Computing, Research Data, and Research Software at TU Delft?
  • Are you a researcher interested in these topics?
  • Do you work and collaborate with researchers on these topics?

We’re using GitHub Discussions as a place to connect with other members of our community. We hope that you:

  • Ask questions about challenges you encounter
  • Share ideas and solutions
  • Engage with other community members
  • Be welcoming and open-minded. Remember that this is a community we build together. See our Code of Conduct for more information.

How to participate

Do you have questions, ideas or ongoing developments on FAIR related aspects, Open Science, training, etc? Would you like to point to specific resources and potential solutions or ideas?

  • Use the Q&A to ask a question on a specific topic, such as

    • How do I generate a reproducible software development environment?
    • Where can I find information on creating a Python package?
    • How should I archive my software?
    • How do I get started with git?
  • Use Ideas to make proposals, for instance

    • Using jupyter hub for a workshop
    • Using jupyter books to create educational resources
    • Running monthly webinars for the community to transfer FAIR practices
  • Use Solutions to point people to existing solutions or share your own. These solutions might end up on our Guides website to share with our community.

  • Show and tell things you have done that you are proud of and like other to be aware of.

For developers

Developing and building the guides locally

  1. Install Quarto if you don’t already have it installed on your machine. You can find the installation instructions here.
  2. Fork the repository to your own GitHub profile.
  3. Clone the repository.
  4. Navigate to the root of this repository in your terminal.
  5. Run quarto preview.
  6. You will see the rendered version in a browser window.

Deploying the website in your forked version

  1. Fork the repository to your own GitHub profile.

  2. Either commit a new change to the repository to trigger the build action or manually trigger the action. To manually trigger the action, go to Actions -> Quarto Publish Guides and press Run workflow and Run workflow.

  3. In your forked repository, under Settings -> Pages set Source to gh-pages and /(root) and press Save.

You want to make some kind of change

  1. (important) announce your plan to the rest of the community before you start working. This announcement should be in the form of a (new) issue;
  2. (important) wait until some kind of consensus is reached about your idea being a good idea;
  3. if needed, fork the repository to your own GitHub profile and create your own feature branch off of the latest main commit. While working on your feature branch, make sure to stay up to date with the main branch by pulling in changes, possibly from the ‘upstream’ repository (follow the instructions here and here);
  4. push your feature branch to (your fork of) the DCC guides repository on GitHub;
  5. create the pull request, e.g. following the instructions here. If needed, provide a link to the gh-pages in your forked repository: https://<your-username>