Remote servers

TU Delf offers employees the use of Faculty Managed Servers. The only condition is that it is not possible to use these servers to set up services that are already provided by the basic services of SSC ICT. All Faculty Managed Servers available as standard are virtual.

Hosting Faculty Managed Servers includes:

  • ICT provides the server, operating service (Windows, Linux (Redhat Enterprise Linux (preferred), Ubuntu (LTS) and CentOS)) and network access.
  • The user manages the server and can install whatever he wants within the given conditions (see form …) and is therefore provided with admin rights.
  • ICT provides backup, restore and virus scanning (Windows).
  • ICT ensures that the Operating System (OS) of the Server (e.g. security patches) is up to date except for Linux.
  • User has the freedom to concentrate on his own applications that are needed for research.

Some use cases and examples

  • You might want to run an instance of a service. For example an ftp-server or a PostgreSQL database for your lab or research group, others.
  • You want to setup a server to host a static website or web application.
  • You need a server to execute Gitlab-runners

General required skills

  • Working with the command line, shell scripting and linux
  • Working remotely and securely using ssh
  • Transfer files from one computer to another
  • Working with containers