

An index is a numerical representation of an item’s position in a sequence. This sequence can refer to many things: a list, a string of characters, or any arbitrary sequence of values. In some programming languages, an array can be defined by key-value pairs, where a specific key points to a value.Index

Data set¶

A data set (or dataset) is a collection of data. In the case of tabular data, a data set corresponds to one or more database tables, where every column of a table represents a particular variable, and each row corresponds to a given record of the data set in question. The data set lists values for each of the variables, such as height and weight of an object, for each member of the data set. Each value is known as a datum. Data sets can also consist of a collection of documents or files.Data set

Object oriented programming (OOP)¶

Object-oriented programming is an approach to designing modular reusable software systems. The object-oriented approach is an evolution of good design practices that go back to the very beginning of computer programming. Object-orientation is simply the logical extension of older techniques such as structured programming and abstract data types.Object Oriented Programming

The object bellow shows properties on top(values) and methods(functions) bellow.


Think of a class like a factory of objects, this is a very simplistic explanation, but enough to ilustrate the concept for the workshop. In object-oriented programming, a class is an extensible program-code-template for creating objects, providing initial values for state (member variables) and implementations of behavior (member functions or methods)Class.

Software Architecture¶

Software architecture refers to the fundamental structures of a software system and the discipline of creating such structures and systems.Software Architecture

Design patterns¶

A design pattern is the re-usable form of a solution to a design problem. The idea was introduced by the architect Christopher Alexander(Architect) and has been adapted for various other disciplines, notably software engineering.